Transform your business and be ready for your data driven future. Every [Liber] Byte has a story waiting to be told; let us transform your data into compelling narratives that drive success. Don't let your data's potential languish; elevate it, celebrate it, and watch your vision come alive with our platform.

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Achieve transparency about your data

Easily tie your business organization, your products, services and technology with your data and address ongoingly the question who are the suppliers and consumers of specific data in and outside your organization.

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Integrate and combine internal and external data

Pull and combine data from different (internal / external) systems or individual sources. Break your organizational and system silos. Our flexible technology approach enables you to match your data demand and data supply on the fly.

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Create new value from your data

We enable you to monetize your data. With our approach you can enable your data to be continu-ously supplied via different standardized business domains and channels in a transparent manner.


The innovative architecture from Liberbyte spans a tailored and intelligent data management layer on top of your existing data management landscape enabling your organisation to turn your current data landscape into a demand & supply driven Data Exchange and Monetization platform which scales globally.

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Model your data supplies, demands or organizational hierarchies with Liberbyte’s Data Product Manager to achieve transparency about your data. Maintain transparency of your data all times, also for AI models and consumption. Easily manage data supplies and combine your data assets into products within and or outside your organizational boundaries.

Manage your data using references and enable continuous improvement of your metadata. Liberbyte’s platform is designed to conform with the globally recognized FAIR Principles ensuring your data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable, optimizing both efficiency and utility.

Liberbyte’s Data Management Layer comes with highly flexible data processing architecture. Individual data demands or supplies can be exposed to different processing needs. Specific reporting needs can be addressed using customized reports, analytics / dashboards down to each data demand or supply.


Liberbyte’s solution comes with Data Exchange capabilities out of the box and enables your organisation to start exchanging data intra or inter company. Liberbyte’s exchange solution enables your organisation to easily integrate with third parties, for example with your service network or supply chain providers. The solution adapts to organizational changes while individual data providers remain in control of their data.

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Seamlessly merge the power of your internal data with the vast pool of external data. Our data exchange solution enables seamless integration of your or third party data supplies into a searchable and creatively aggregable resource.

Get a handle on what data is in demand and what data is supplied and relevant inside your organization. Discover what data is available globally and across the decentralized network and data markets. Streamline your data processes based on demand and supply and ensure that the right information is available and can be consumed by the requiring party.

Become a global data supplier and start extracting value from your idle sitting data resources. Liberbyte’s platform enables you to identify available data sets, assets and products and also allows you to offer your available data to “open demands” making the data matching a bi-directional process.


Transform your data into a revenue generating asset. Build your data-based products and -services by combining data from various (public or private) sources into monetizable assets. Enable existing assets for monetization and / or continuously build new assets on the fly. Setup your own globally accessible data supply and demand servers and continously extract value from your data.

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Unlock the true potential of your data. Whether it's individual data points, specific files, or entire streams, you now have the flexibility to derive value at every scale. Transform each piece of your data into a revenue-generating asset, tailored to fit your unique business needs.

Expand your data monetization potential by establishing and managing your personal data supply server on a global scale. Seamlessly offer your supply across continents, enable data products and services and open doors to new markets.

Enable your open data for use and monetization by enabling controlled access for AI solutions via Liberbyte’s innovative data management layer. Build large scale data sourcing pools (from your sensors or satellites) which can be accessed by third parties for data product and services and direct or indirect monetization. Offer analytical platform driving on a vast set of data resources (from sen-sors, satellites and HCIs) and monetize the continuous analytics.


Liberbyte platform solution offers many unique features which can also be expanded yourself (based on open source software – watch this space) or by a feature request to us. Our solution offers a simple UX for the beginners without forgetting the more advanced data analysts who want to unleash the full power of a decentralized data management platform.

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Innovative Platform Architecture

Combining “Data Catalogue” & “Data Mesh” & “Fair Principles” on a global scale

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Data as Product

Treatment of data as exchangeable and monetizable good with Supply & Demand

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Data Ecosystem Enabler

Federated & decentralized architecture which scales up to thousands of servers

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Data & Platform Security

Highest (“police / secret service level”) security approval on core technology

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Embedded Data Governance

Model your organisation, project, programme and / or data assets & products enabling “embedded” data governance

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Intelligent Bot Processing

Scalable and flexible microservices processing architecture (“down to a single data point”)

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AI Enabler

Flexibility & 100% transparency on data sourcing and consumption for your AI solution

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Powerful UX

Innovative graphical command line interfacing & data driven HCI

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Creative Platform

Create data products & services and continously expose them to AI consumption for business and science


We address the most pressing challenges hindering your data-driven success. We delve into the intricate world of data complexities that modern businesses face daily.


Please contact us under or fill out the conatct form for more details on the product, consulting & advisory or if you would like to organise a demo on how to free your data.